Media Coverage
"Century-old vaccine protects type 1 diabetics from infectious diseases"
EurekaAlert!, May 22, 2024
"Why a Century-Old Vaccine Offers New Hope Against Pathogens"
"Multiple Shots of the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) Vaccine Protect Patients with Type 1 Diabetes from COVID-19."
A repurposed TB vaccine shows early promise against diseases like diabetes and MS
"Our Trials are Totally Different." The Denise Faustman Interview –
ADA: TB vaccine repurposed in Type 1 diabetes restores gene expression in key immune cells
Further hope for BCG vaccine in stemming type 1 diabetes
Great Women Who’ve Made a Mark on Diabetes History
Why a decades-old TB vaccine is getting attention in the fight against Covid-19
Can an Old Vaccine Stop the New Coronavirus
Inexpensive TB vaccine shows promise against juvenile diabetes
There’s Hope for a Vaccine to Prevent Type 1 Diabetes
Trials: Generic vaccine reverses effects of type 1 diabetes
TB Vaccine Linked to Better Type 1 Diabetes Control
Common vaccine can reverse advanced cases of diabetes, study says
BCG Vaccine Leads to Long-term Blood Sugar Improvement in Type 1 Diabetes Patients
"BCG vaccine could restore proper immune response in type 1 diabetes", June 12, 2017
"MGH study shows vaccine could permanently reverse type 1 diabetes"
Boston Business Journal,
June 10, 2017
"Pathways to a Type 1 Vaccine"
Diabetes Forecast,July/August 2016
“Here’s How Lee Iacocca Wants To Cure Diabetes”
Forbes, June 2015
“Type I diabetes cure? MGH researchers say new drug could be the answer”
Boston Business Journal, June 2015
“Human study re-ignites debate over controversial diabetes 'cure' ”
Special edition to the Washington Post, June 2013
“A New Approach to Battling Autoimmune Diseases”
Special edition to the Washington Post, June 2013
“TB Vaccine Promising as New Way to Fight Type 1 Diabetes”
US News & World Report/Health Day, August 8, 2012
“Drug Offers Hope in Diabetes Study”
Wall Street Journal, June 25, 2011
“Beyond Insulin: Searching for a Cure to Type 1 Diabetes”
UPI, June 25, 2011
“Talk of the Nation Science Friday”
NPR Talk of the Nation, August 29, 2008
“Diabetes: Of Mice and Men”
Newsweek, March 14, 2008
“Confirming Hope on Diabetes”
The Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2006
"100-year-old tuberculosis vaccine may protect against COVID."
"Could a 100-year-old vaccine treat Type 1 diabetes? MGH researchers are working to find out."
Why Dr. Denise Faustman Isn’t Deterred by Skeptics of Her Type 1 Diabetes Cure Research
Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Fight Coronavirus, Researchers Say
Could old vaccines for other germs protect against COVID-19?
Potential mechanism by which BCG vaccine lowers blood sugar levels to near normal in type 1 diabetes discovered
Retooled Vaccine Raises Hopes As A Lower-Cost Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes
Tuberculosis Vaccine May Be Able to Help People with Diabetes
Tuberculosis Vaccine Could Reverse Type 1 Diabetes, Study Shows
Fortune, June 21, 2018
Existing vaccine shows promise as type 1 diabetes breakthrough
Century-Old TB Vaccine Shows Promise Against Type 1 Diabetes, MGH Research Finds
New insight into how an old TB vaccine lowers blood sugar in Type 1 diabetes
Controversial Researcher’s Diabetes Vaccine Causes Improvement in Small Study
"Stabilizing Diabetes: Old Drug Could Help Millions"
Boston Herald, June 13, 2017
"Mass General scientists gain insight into how a TB vaccine may reverse diabetes"
Fierce Biotech, June 12, 2017
"Three-Part Interview with Diabetes in Control"
Diabetes in Control,
August 20, 2016
"The Vaccine for Type-1 Diabetes Is Moving Forward"
TIME, June 2015
"100-Year-Old Vaccine May Help Reverse Type 1 Diabetes"
CBS Boston, June 2015
“Low C-Peptide Levels May Predict Diabetic Complications, Poor Metabolic Control”
Healio, September 2014
“BCG and Autoimmunity Working Group Publishes First Book”
Reuters, April 2014
"Drugs: Research may find route to repairing the sick pancreas"
Financial Times, November 14, 2012
“Research shows promise in reversing Type 1 diabetes”
Los Angeles Times, June 25, 2011
“Cure for Type 1 diabetes?”
UPI, June 25, 2011
“Generic Tuberculosis Medicine Shows Promise for Reversing Type 1 Diabetes”
Bloomberg, June 24, 2011
“Two experiments suggest new direction for diabetes”
Reuters, August 25, 2008
“Putting Up with Self”
Scientific American, October 13, 2006
“A Controversial Therapy for Diabetes is Verified”
The New York Times, March 24, 2006

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Dr. Faustman Update Fall 2005